NATO Advanced Study Institute


Inhomogeneities and phase separation in simple,
complex and quantum fluids


Satellite Event of STATPHYS20


With the patronage of the


Patti Marina (Messina), ITALY
7 - 17 July 1998


Director: C. CACCAMO (U. of Messina, Italy)
Co-Directors: J.P. HANSEN (U. of Cambridge, UK)
G. STELL (State U. of New York, USA)

International Advisory Committee:

M. BAUS (U. Libre of Bruxelles, Belgium)
B.J. BERNE (Columbia U., New York, USA)
P.V. GIAQUINTA (U. of Messina, Italy)



Over the last few years, the theory of liquids has seen considerable progress with the flourishing of new concepts and approaches leading to the successful exploration of complex systems and phenomena not previously encompassed by the Statistical Mechanics of fluids.

Integral equation theories (IETs) for the structure of fluids at equilibrium have been significantly extended to deal with highly inhomeogeneous systems (for instance, fluids in porous media), glassy systems, polarizable and associating fluids, polyelectrolytes and polymeric solutions, fluids in low dimensionality configurations. Extensions to include quantal degreees of freedom have also been devised, so as to make the IET formalism applicable in fluid systems in which electronic effects play an important role as, for instance, sp3 liquids (C, Ge, Si....).
The IET description of the critical behavior and critical region of both simple and charged fluids has also been considerably improved, especially as far as analytically solvable theories are concerned. Structural approaches that embody the renormalization group critical behavior have been proposed.

In parallel with such an effort on the IET side, the density functional theory (DFT) of fluids has been considerably developed. The description of thermodynamic and structural properties of highly inhomogeneous fluids, of the solid-fluid and liquid-vapor transitions and, more generally, of phase equilibria and critical behavior of model fluids, are examples of successful applications of the DFT of fluids.

The NATO-ASI will mainly focus on these new theories; at the same time it will try to offer an insight into those computer investigations which are now able to describe systems and physical situations previously not accessible to the numerical investigation and not yet satisfactorily described by the theory.

A list of topics covered during the School through lectures, seminars, contributed talks, posters and round tables, includes: fluids in confined geometry and in porous media; neutral and charged interfaces; charged fluids; mixtures, polydisperse fluids, colloidal suspensions; polymeric solutions and polyelectrolytes; polar and polarizable fluids; critical and supercritical behavior of simple fluid models; liquid metals and quantum fluids.



T. BIBEN (ENS, Lyon, France)


Effective Interactions in Colloidal Suspensions

S. DIETRICH (Bergische U., Wuppertal, Germany)


Wetting of Structured Substrates
Bulk and Surface Properties of Dipolar Fluids

R. EVANS (H.H. Wills Phys. Labs., Bristol, UK)


Fluids in Pores: Phase Transitions in Confined Geometries
Density Functional Theories for Highly Inhomogeneous Fluids

M.E. FISHER (U. of Maryland, USA)


Understanding Criticality
Simple Fluids
Ionic Fluids

J. HØYE (U. of Trondheim, Norway)


Equation of State and Critical Behavior of Simple Fluid Models

M.L. KLEIN (LRSM, U. of Pennsylvania, USA)


Atomistic Simulation of Surfactant Solutions
Computer Simulation of Lipid Bilayers

F. LADO (N. Carolina State U., USA)


Integral Equation Theory of Complex Liquids using Tailored Orthogonal

Polynomials: Fluids with Internal Degrees of Freedom

Integral Equation Theory of Complex Liquids using Tailored Orthogonal

Polynomials: Fluids in External Field

D. LEVESQUE (U. Paris-Sud 11, France)


Critical Behavior of the Restricted Primitive Model
Phase Diagram of Dipolar Hard Spheres, Hard Discs and Hard Dumbell Systems

G. PARISI (U. of Rome, Italy)


Replica Method for Glasses

L. REATTO (U. of Milan, Italy)


Phase Separation and Critical Phenomena in Simple Fluids
Phase Separation and Critical Phenomena in Binary Mixtures

M.L. ROSINBERG (U. Paris-Jussieu, France


Liquid State Methods for Disordered Systems

P. TARAZONA (U. Autonoma, Madrid, Spain)


Dimensional Crossover for Confined Hard Spheres from Zero

Dimension Cavities to the Bulk Fluid

The Tight-Binding Lattice-Gas Model: a Simple Model

Alkali Fluids

A. YETHIRAJ (U. of Wisconsin, USA)


Theory and Simulation of Polymers at Surfaces
Structure and Conformation of Polyelectrolyte Solutions



Two poster sessions will take place during the School. Applicants who wish to contribute a poster should send a half-page abstract not later than 15 February 1998. E-mail submission is preferred. Instructions for poster display will be given to the confirmed participants. A few posters could be selected for oral communications of 15 - 20 minutes duration each.

Two round tables are also in schedule: one devoted to the most recent advances in computer simulation of liquids; the other to the actual ability of liquid state theories to describe the critical behavior of simple and charged fluids.



The NATO-ASI will accommodate postdoc students and senior scientists, most of the latter being lecturers and invited seminar speakers. Attendance of students will be limited to a maximum of 70 participants who will be selected on the basis of their qualification and potential contribution to the meeting.
Participants are expected to cover their own travel and living expenses. A limited number of grants, covering part of these espenses, will be available to subsidise those ASI students who are unable to obtain full support from other sources. Applying students should send a list of their publications, and those who request grants also their C.V. and a recommendation letter. Special funds will be available to support students from Greece, Portugal, Turkey and USA. The related procedure will be activated only after applicants from these countries will have been accepted at the School.
Applications (and the accompanying documentation when requested) are due to arrive at the Direction of the School not later than 15 February 1998.
Acceptance/Non-Acceptance at the School will be notified before 10 March 1998.

Admission of PhD students. Although teaching in NATO-ASI schools is addressed to post-doc students, the Direction reserves to admit quite a few PhD students who are near to complete their thesis and whose field of study is fully encompassed by the themes of the school. C.V. and a recommendation letter are requested.



The School will be located in Patti (Marina), a little town on the Tyrrhenian coast of Sicily, 80 Km west of Messina. The site is at the center of the Gulf of Patti , delimited on one side by Capo Calava` and on the other by Capo Milazzo. Near the site of the School is the promontory of Tyndaris, a mythical greek town of great archeological interest, center of religious interest over the centuries. Close to the Hotel is a Villa Romana of the 4th century endowed with mosaics. Facing the coast are the Æolian Islands, a volcanic archipelago of enchanting beauty also hosting an important museum.

Messina can be reached via airplane through Reggio Calabria and Catania airports. Reggio Calabria airport is connected to Messina railway-station by a coach+ferry service in coincidence with all flights. Catania airport, reached by many domestic and international flights, is connected to Messina railway-station through a few direct coach courses. Frequent trains and coach connections to Messina are also available from Catania railway-station. Several trains and coaches connect Messina to Patti.

Special buses will be organized by the School in coincidence with the arrival (July 6) and departure (July 17) days. Detailed informations about such a facility, as well as about train and coach timetables, will be provided in due time to the participants.



Accommodation will be provided at the Hotel ``La Playa'', in Patti Marina. The Hotel is located on the sea-shore, about 1.5 Km outside the town. Lodging is available in double and three-bed rooms, and in a limited number of single rooms. All rooms have a private bath with shower. The Direction will try to meet the accommodation requests by assigning priority, in the order, to invitees and senior scientists, students, accompanying people. The Hotel has a terrace at the sea level, a garden, a large swimming-pool and outer space equipped for entertainment. It also provides services and equipment on the nearby beach.



The full day excursion on Sunday 12 July 1998 will be devoted to a visit of the Æolian Islands, 1.5 hour navigation from Patti Marina. The program for accompanying people will most likely include visits of Tyndaris and of its archeological zone, Villa Romana of Patti, and Milazzo's castle and Capo; an excursion to Tyndaris' beach and Marinello lakes will also be organized. One evening show will be offered by the Hotel to all participants.



Please fill in the registration form, by indicating the hotel accommodation you would prefer; prices refer to full board treatment per person, per day. Note that only a few single rooms are available.

Those who will be notified acceptance at the School, should pay, as account of their living expenses, one day lodging in full board for themselves and accompanying people (if any). This payment is due within one month from receipt of acceptance at the School, and in any case not later than 25 March 1998.

Please pay either via Bank transfer on the account

Caccamo Carlo - NATO-ASI
Banco di Sicilia (ABI Bank Code 1020)
Sede di Messina - Corso Garibaldi
Messina, ITALY

or through a not-endorsable cheque in favor of

Carlo Caccamo - NATO-ASI

Invitees whose boarding is supported by the School should send only payments concerning accompanying people. There will be no refund of such account payment for cancellations after 31 March 1998.



15 February 1998

Application and poster presentation

10 March 1998

Communication of acceptance / non-acceptance

25 March 1998

Account payment for hotel boarding

31 March 1998

Cancellation and refund


For further information contact the local organizing committee c/o

Prof. M.C. Abramo
Dipartimento di Fisica
C.P. 50
98166 Contrada Papardo
Messina, ITALY

39 90 391745
39 90 676 5505

or the Director of the School:



M.C. Abramo, C. Caccamo, G. Pizzimenti, D. Costa, F. Saija, S. Rando